It Should Be Illegal for Brady Hobbes to Have Sex
I cannot abide that adult man doing what he does.
The passage of time has been slightly unkind to the women of And Just Like That…, an inevitability for a program focused solely on three women realizing their own irrelevance as the world moves fast and furious around them. This was to be expected; it was the premise of the show and so being surprised by that is foolish. That said, while I was prepared to see the visceral horrors of getting older, I was not at all ready what awaited me when Brady Hobbes, last seen as the ginger toddler belonging to Miranda and Steve, grew up.
Mercifully, my brain has erased all but the grim contours of Brady’s arrival in AJLT…, but what I remember is this: he’s a gangly, tall man dating a hot woman and, oh, in case you didn’t realize that he is probably old enough to buy a pack of cigarettes, he absolutely fucks.
It’s unclear to me if we are to include AJLT… as Sex and the City canon, though I assume that because it came from the brain of Michael Patrick King, this chapter is the coda to the wild and wonderful journey we’ve all been on. If that’s the case, I am livid that the image of Brady Hobbes dicking down his girlfriend successfully—so much so that she needs to order LUBE to his enormous Brooklyn brownstone—will be a part of this story that I love to friggin’ hate.
Obviously, Brady Hobbes can and should be a sexual being, but I have some issues with the kind of sex this teen appears to be having. He shouldn’t be having cinematic TV sex, because he is a teen. And yet the kind of sex he is having is like Red Shoe Diary-levels of erotic and also repugnant in a way that feels offensive. It's not the fumbling, awkward, “oops, was that your leg and not your pussy because I just jizzed on it” kind of sex that I’d expect from a man of his age.
I don’t like this! I don’t think we need to see how Brady lays the fucking pipe! And yet, AJLT… forced me to briefly sympathize with Miranda, especially in the moment when she is lying awake in bed next to her husband, Steve, unable to sleep due to the rhythmic, insistent lovemaking happening in her own home. Everyone deserves the freedom to have the kind of sex they want when they want it, but I am coming out strong and saying that Brady Hobbes needs to keep it in his pants. Forever. Not here, not there. Nowhere.